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Accessing the Widget

You can start using 3DEarthViewMaps in just one click! Here’s all you need to know.

How to open the 3DEarthViewMaps widget


Opening the Widget

Access 3DEarthViewMaps at any time by clicking on the icon. You can also move the widget or icon wherever you’d like within your browser.

How to reopen closed 3DEarthViewMaps widget


Reactivating the Widget

If disabled, you can easily reactive the widget by clicking the 3DEarthViewMaps icon at the top right of your browser, then select ‘Enable Everywhere’.

How to close the 3DEarthViewMaps widget


Closing the Widget

Once done using 3DEarthViewMaps, you can close the widget by clicking the 'X' icon to close.

How to disable 3DEarthViewMaps widget


Disable the Widget

To snooze or disable the 3DEarthViewMaps widget, click the Settings icon to view a menu with these options.

Directions & Printing